Class Node

All Implemented Interfaces:
NodeInterface, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
BlockNode, BytecodeNode, DirectCallNode, ExecutableNode, ExecutionEventNode, IndirectCallNode, Library, LoopNode, MutableTruffleString.AsManagedNode, MutableTruffleString.AsMutableTruffleStringNode, MutableTruffleString.ConcatNode, MutableTruffleString.ForceEncodingNode, MutableTruffleString.FromByteArrayNode, MutableTruffleString.FromNativePointerNode, MutableTruffleString.SubstringByteIndexNode, MutableTruffleString.SubstringNode, MutableTruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode, MutableTruffleString.WriteByteNode, ProbeNode, TagTreeNode, TruffleString.AsManagedNode, TruffleString.AsNativeNode, TruffleString.AsTruffleStringNode, TruffleString.ByteIndexOfAnyByteNode, TruffleString.ByteIndexOfCodePointNode, TruffleString.ByteIndexOfCodePointSetNode, TruffleString.ByteIndexOfStringNode, TruffleString.ByteIndexToCodePointIndexNode, TruffleString.ByteLengthOfCodePointNode, TruffleString.CharIndexOfAnyCharUTF16Node, TruffleString.CodePointAtByteIndexNode, TruffleString.CodePointAtIndexNode, TruffleString.CodePointIndexToByteIndexNode, TruffleString.CodePointLengthNode, TruffleString.CodeRangeEqualsNode, TruffleString.CompareBytesNode, TruffleString.CompareCharsUTF16Node, TruffleString.CompareIntsUTF32Node, TruffleString.ConcatNode, TruffleString.CopyToByteArrayNode, TruffleString.CopyToNativeMemoryNode, TruffleString.CreateBackwardCodePointIteratorNode, TruffleString.CreateCodePointIteratorNode, TruffleString.EqualNode, TruffleString.ForceEncodingNode, TruffleString.FromByteArrayNode, TruffleString.FromCharArrayUTF16Node, TruffleString.FromCodePointNode, TruffleString.FromIntArrayUTF32Node, TruffleString.FromJavaStringNode, TruffleString.FromLongNode, TruffleString.FromNativePointerNode, TruffleString.GetByteCodeRangeNode, TruffleString.GetCodeRangeImpreciseNode, TruffleString.GetCodeRangeNode, TruffleString.GetInternalByteArrayNode, TruffleString.GetInternalNativePointerNode, TruffleString.GetStringCompactionLevelNode, TruffleString.HashCodeNode, TruffleString.IndexOfCodePointNode, TruffleString.IndexOfStringNode, TruffleString.IntIndexOfAnyIntUTF32Node, TruffleString.IsValidNode, TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfCodePointNode, TruffleString.LastByteIndexOfStringNode, TruffleString.LastIndexOfCodePointNode, TruffleString.LastIndexOfStringNode, TruffleString.MaterializeNode, TruffleString.ParseDoubleNode, TruffleString.ParseIntNode, TruffleString.ParseLongNode, TruffleString.ReadByteNode, TruffleString.ReadCharUTF16Node, TruffleString.RegionEqualByteIndexNode, TruffleString.RegionEqualNode, TruffleString.RepeatNode, TruffleString.SubstringByteIndexNode, TruffleString.SubstringNode, TruffleString.SwitchEncodingNode, TruffleString.ToJavaStringNode, TruffleString.ToValidStringNode, TruffleString.WithMask.CreateNode, TruffleString.WithMask.CreateUTF16Node, TruffleString.WithMask.CreateUTF32Node, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendByteNode, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendCharUTF16Node, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendCodePointNode, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendIntNumberNode, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendJavaStringUTF16Node, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendLongNumberNode, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendStringNode, TruffleStringBuilder.AppendSubstringByteIndexNode, TruffleStringBuilder.ToStringNode, TruffleStringIterator.NextNode, TruffleStringIterator.PreviousNode

public abstract class Node extends Object implements NodeInterface, Cloneable
Abstract base class for all nodes in the Truffle Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).

The Node class serves as the foundational class for all nodes within the Truffle framework. It provides the core functionality required to build interpreters for guest languages by allowing language implementers to define custom nodes representing language constructs.

Key responsibilities and features of the Node class include:

  • Managing the parent-child relationships between nodes, ensuring the integrity of the AST.
  • Providing mechanisms for adopting and replacing child nodes within the AST, facilitating dynamic language features and optimizations.
  • Handling source code associations, allowing nodes to represent specific segments of the guest language source code via getSourceSection().
  • Supporting node cloning and deep copying, enabling the creation of modified copies of node trees.
  • Facilitating node visitation patterns through the accept(NodeVisitor) method and providing iteration over child nodes via getChildren().
  • Ensuring thread safety and synchronization for modifications to the AST with atomic operations and locks via atomic(Runnable) and getLock().
  • Integrating with Truffle's instrumentation and debugging facilities, allowing for runtime observation and modification of AST nodes.
  • Reporting polymorphic specializations through reportPolymorphicSpecialize(), aiding in the optimization processes of the Truffle framework.

Language implementers typically create subclasses of Node to represent specific language constructs and operations. Subclasses can use the Node.Child and Node.Children annotations to declare child nodes, which the Truffle framework manages automatically.

The Node class also provides important methods such as replace(Node) for replacing nodes in the AST, getParent() and getRootNode() for navigating the tree, and getDescription() for obtaining a user-readable description of the node.

0.8 or earlier
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static @interface 
    Marks fields that represent child nodes of this node.
    static @interface 
    Marks array fields that are children of this node.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final void
    accept(NodeVisitor nodeVisitor)
    Invokes the NodeVisitor.visit(Node) method for this node and recursively also for all child nodes.
    final void
    final void
    atomic(Runnable closure)
    final <T> T
    atomic(Callable<T> closure)
    Creates a shallow copy of this node.
    Creates a deep copy of this node.
    final Iterable<Node>
    Iterator over the children of this node.
    in 24.1 without replacement
    Returns properties of this node interesting for debugging and can be overwritten by subclasses to add their own custom properties.
    Returns a user-readable description of the purpose of the Node, or "" if no description is available.
    Retrieves the segment of guest language source code that is represented by this Node, if present; otherwise retrieves the segment represented by the nearest AST ancestor that has this information.
    protected final Lock
    Returns a lock object that can be used to synchronize modifications to the AST.
    final Node
    The current parent node of this node.
    final RootNode
    Get the root node of the tree a node belongs to.
    Retrieves the segment of guest language source code that is represented by this Node.
    final <T extends Node>
    insert(T newChild)
    Inserts an new node into an AST that was already adopted by a parent.
    final <T extends Node>
    insert(T[] newChildren)
    Inserts new node children into an AST that was already adopted by a parent.
    Returns true if this node can be adopted by a parent.
    final boolean
    Checks if this node can be replaced by another node: tree structure & type.
    protected final void
    Notifies the framework about the insertion of one or more nodes during execution.
    protected void
    onReplace(Node newNode, CharSequence reason)
    Intended to be implemented by subclasses of Node to receive a notification when the node is rewritten.
    final <T extends Node>
    replace(T newNode)
    Replaces this node with another node.
    final <T extends Node>
    replace(T newNode, CharSequence reason)
    Replaces this node with another node.
    final void
    Notifies the runtime that this node specialized to a polymorphic state.
    protected final void
    reportReplace(Node oldNode, Node newNode, CharSequence reason)
    Reports that oldNode was replaced with newNode, notifying any replace observers and invalidating any compiled call targets.
    Converts this node to a textual representation useful for debugging.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Node

      protected Node()
      0.8 or earlier
  • Method Details

    • getCost

      @Deprecated public NodeCost getCost()
      in 24.1 without replacement
      Returns a rough estimate for the cost of this Node. This estimate can be used by runtime systems or guest languages to implement heuristics based on Truffle ASTs. This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses. The default implementation returns the value of NodeInfo.cost() of the NodeInfo annotation declared at the subclass. If no NodeInfo annotation is declared the method returns NodeCost.MONOMORPHIC as a default value.
      0.8 or earlier
    • getSourceSection

      public SourceSection getSourceSection()
      Retrieves the segment of guest language source code that is represented by this Node. The default implementation of this method returns null. If your node represents a segment of the source code, override this method and return a eagerly or lazily computed source section value. This method is not designed to be invoked on compiled code paths. May be called on any thread and without a language context being active.

      Simple example implementation using a simple implementation using a field:

      abstract class SimpleNode extends Node {
          private SourceSection sourceSection;
          void setSourceSection(SourceSection sourceSection) {
              this.sourceSection = sourceSection;
          public SourceSection getSourceSection() {
              return sourceSection;

      Recommended implementation computing the source section lazily from primitive fields:

      abstract class RecommendedNode extends Node {
          private static final int NO_SOURCE = -1;
          private int sourceCharIndex = NO_SOURCE;
          private int sourceLength;
          public abstract Object execute(VirtualFrame frame);
          // invoked by the parser to set the source
          void setSourceSection(int charIndex, int length) {
              assert sourceCharIndex == NO_SOURCE : "source should only be set once";
              this.sourceCharIndex = charIndex;
              this.sourceLength = length;
          public final SourceSection getSourceSection() {
              if (sourceCharIndex == NO_SOURCE) {
                  // AST node without source
                  return null;
              RootNode rootNode = getRootNode();
              if (rootNode == null) {
                  // not yet adopted yet
                  return null;
              Source source = rootNode.getSourceSection().getSource();
              return source.createSection(sourceCharIndex, sourceLength);
      the source code represented by this Node
      0.8 or earlier
    • getEncapsulatingSourceSection

      public SourceSection getEncapsulatingSourceSection()
      Retrieves the segment of guest language source code that is represented by this Node, if present; otherwise retrieves the segment represented by the nearest AST ancestor that has this information. Can be called on any thread and without a language context.
      an approximation of the source code represented by this Node
      0.8 or earlier
    • isAdoptable

      public boolean isAdoptable()
      Returns true if this node can be adopted by a parent. This method is intended to be overriden by subclasses. If nodes need to be statically shared that they must not be adoptable, because otherwise the parent reference might cause a memory leak. If a node is not adoptable then then it is guaranteed that the parent pointer remains null at all times, even if the node is tried to be adopted by a parent.

      If the result of this method is statically known then it is recommended to make the node implement UnadoptableNode instead.

      Implementations of isAdoptable() are required to fold to a constant result when compiled with a constant receiver.

    • insert

      public final <T extends Node> T[] insert(T[] newChildren)
      Inserts new node children into an AST that was already adopted by a parent. The new children need to be assigned to its children field after insert was called.
      newChildren - the array of new children whose parent should be updated
      the array of new children
      0.8 or earlier
    • insert

      public final <T extends Node> T insert(T newChild)
      Inserts an new node into an AST that was already adopted by a parent. The new child needs to be assigned to its child field after insert was called.
      newChild - the new child whose parent should be updated
      the new child
      0.8 or earlier
    • notifyInserted

      protected final void notifyInserted(Node node)
      Notifies the framework about the insertion of one or more nodes during execution. Otherwise, the framework assumes that instrumentable nodes remain unchanged after their root node is first executed. Insertions don't need to be notified if it is known that none of the inserted nodes are instrumentable.

      The provided Node and its children must be adopted in the AST before invoking this method. The caller must ensure that this method is invoked only once for a given node and its children.

      class MyRootNode extends RootNode {
          protected MyRootNode(MyLanguage language) {
          @Child InstrumentableLanguageNode child;
          public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {
              if (child == null) {
                  child = insert(new InstrumentableLanguageNode());
              return child.execute(frame);
      node - the node tree that got inserted.
    • adoptChildren

      public final void adoptChildren()
      0.8 or earlier
    • getDebugProperties

      public Map<String,Object> getDebugProperties()
      Returns properties of this node interesting for debugging and can be overwritten by subclasses to add their own custom properties.
      the properties as a key/value hash map
      0.8 or earlier
    • getParent

      public final Node getParent()
      The current parent node of this node.
      the parent node
      0.8 or earlier
    • replace

      public final <T extends Node> T replace(T newNode, CharSequence reason)
      Replaces this node with another node. If there is a source section (see getSourceSection()) associated with this node, it is transferred to the new node.
      newNode - the new node that is the replacement
      reason - a description of the reason for the replacement
      the new node
      0.8 or earlier
    • replace

      public final <T extends Node> T replace(T newNode)
      Replaces this node with another node. If there is a source section (see getSourceSection()) associated with this node, it is transferred to the new node.
      newNode - the new node that is the replacement
      the new node
      0.8 or earlier
    • isSafelyReplaceableBy

      public final boolean isSafelyReplaceableBy(Node newNode)
      Checks if this node can be replaced by another node: tree structure & type.
      0.8 or earlier
    • reportReplace

      protected final void reportReplace(Node oldNode, Node newNode, CharSequence reason)
      Reports that oldNode was replaced with newNode, notifying any replace observers and invalidating any compiled call targets.

      This method does not actually replace the nodes. Use replace(Node, CharSequence) to replace nodes.

    • onReplace

      protected void onReplace(Node newNode, CharSequence reason)
      Intended to be implemented by subclasses of Node to receive a notification when the node is rewritten. This method is invoked before the actual replace has happened.
      newNode - the replacement node
      reason - the reason the replace supplied
      0.8 or earlier
    • accept

      public final void accept(NodeVisitor nodeVisitor)
      Invokes the NodeVisitor.visit(Node) method for this node and recursively also for all child nodes.
      nodeVisitor - the visitor
      0.8 or earlier
    • getChildren

      public final Iterable<Node> getChildren()
      Iterator over the children of this node.
      the iterator
      0.8 or earlier
    • copy

      public Node copy()
      Creates a shallow copy of this node.
      the new copy
      0.8 or earlier
    • deepCopy

      public Node deepCopy()
      Creates a deep copy of this node.
      the new deep copy
      0.8 or earlier
    • getRootNode

      public final RootNode getRootNode()
      Get the root node of the tree a node belongs to.
      the RootNode or null if there is none.
      0.8 or earlier
    • reportPolymorphicSpecialize

      public final void reportPolymorphicSpecialize()
      Notifies the runtime that this node specialized to a polymorphic state. This includes specializations that increase "level" of polymorphism (e.g. Adding another element to an existing inline cache). The runtime can use this information to, if allowed, create a deep copy of the RootNode hosting this node and gather context sensitive profiling feedback.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Converts this node to a textual representation useful for debugging.
      toString in class Object
      0.8 or earlier
    • atomic

      public final void atomic(Runnable closure)
      0.8 or earlier
    • atomic

      public final <T> T atomic(Callable<T> closure)
      0.8 or earlier
    • getLock

      protected final Lock getLock()
      Returns a lock object that can be used to synchronize modifications to the AST. Don't lock if you call into foreign code with potential recursions to avoid deadlocks. Use responsibly.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns a user-readable description of the purpose of the Node, or "" if no description is available. Can be called on any thread and without a language context.
      0.8 or earlier