Interface Platform

All Known Subinterfaces:
org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl.InternalPlatform.NATIVE_ONLY, org.graalvm.nativeimage.impl.InternalPlatform.PLATFORM_JNI, Platform.AARCH64, Platform.AMD64, Platform.ANDROID, Platform.DARWIN, Platform.DARWIN_AARCH64, Platform.DARWIN_AMD64, Platform.IOS, Platform.LINUX, Platform.LINUX_AARCH64_BASE, Platform.LINUX_AMD64_BASE, Platform.MACOS, Platform.RISCV64, Platform.WINDOWS
All Known Implementing Classes:
Platform.ANDROID_AARCH64, Platform.HOSTED_ONLY, Platform.IOS_AARCH64, Platform.IOS_AMD64, Platform.LINUX_AARCH64, Platform.LINUX_AMD64, Platform.LINUX_RISCV64, Platform.MACOS_AARCH64, Platform.MACOS_AMD64, Platform.WINDOWS_AARCH64, Platform.WINDOWS_AMD64

public interface Platform
Root of the interface hierarchy for architectures, OS, and supported combinations of them.

A platform group (e.g., an architecture or OS) is an interface extending Platform. A leaf platform, e.g., a supported architecture-OS-combination, is a class that implements all the groups that it belongs to. A leaf platform class must be non-abstract and must have a no-argument constructor. It is good practice to make leaf platform classes final (to prevent accidental subclassing) and to avoid state (i.e., no fields).

The annotation Platforms restricts a type, method, or field to certain platform groups or leaf platforms.

This system makes the set of platform groups and leaf platforms extensible. Some standard platforms are defined as inner classes.

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static interface 
    Supported architecture: ARMv8 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Supported architecture: x86 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Supported operating system: Android.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: Android on AArch64 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Basis for all Apple operating systems (MacOS and iOS).
    static interface 
    Basis for all Apple operating systems on AMD64 (MACOS_AMD64 & IOS_AMD64).
    static interface 
    Basis for all Apple operating systems on AMD64 (MACOS_AMD64 & IOS_AMD64).
    static final class 
    Marker for elements (types, methods, or fields) that are only visible during native image generation and cannot be used at run time, regardless of the actual platform.
    static interface 
    Supported operating system: iOS.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: iOS on AArch 64-bit.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: iOS on x86 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Supported operating system: Linux.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: Linux on AArch64 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Basis for all Linux operating systems on AARCH64 (LINUX_AARCH64 & ANDROID_AARCH64).
    static class 
    Supported leaf platform: Linux on x86 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Basis for all Linux operating systems on AMD64 (LINUX_AMD64).
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: Linux on RISC-V 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Supported operating system: MacOS.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: MacOS on AArch 64-bit.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: MacOS on x86 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Supported architecture: RISC-V 64-bit.
    static interface 
    Supported operating system: Windows.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: Windows on AArch 64-bit.
    static final class 
    Supported leaf platform: Windows on x86 64-bit.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The system property name that specifies the fully qualified name of the Platform implementation class that should be used.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    Returns the string representing Platform's architecture name.
    default String
    Returns the string representing Platform's OS name.
    static boolean
    includedIn(Class<? extends Platform> platformGroup)
    Returns true if the current platform (the platform that the native image is built for) is included in the provided platform group.
  • Field Details


      static final String PLATFORM_PROPERTY_NAME
      The system property name that specifies the fully qualified name of the Platform implementation class that should be used. If the property is not specified, the platform class is inferred from the standard architectures and operating systems specified in this file, i.e., in most cases it is not necessary to use this property.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • includedIn

      static boolean includedIn(Class<? extends Platform> platformGroup)
      Returns true if the current platform (the platform that the native image is built for) is included in the provided platform group.

      The platformGroup must be a compile-time constant, so that the call to this method can be replaced with the constant boolean result.

    • getOS

      default String getOS()
      Returns the string representing Platform's OS name.

      This method should be implemented either in a final class or as default method in respective OS interface.

    • getArchitecture

      default String getArchitecture()
      Returns the string representing Platform's architecture name. This value should be the same as desired os.arch system property.

      This method should be implemented either in final class or as default method in respective architecture interface.
