Interface FrameInstance

public interface FrameInstance
Represents a current frame instance on the stack. Please note that any frame instance must not be used after the iterateFrames() method returned.
0.8 or earlier
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getFrame

      Frame getFrame(FrameInstance.FrameAccess access)
      Accesses the underlying frame using a specified access mode.
      See Also:
    • isVirtualFrame

      boolean isVirtualFrame()
      0.8 or earlier
    • getCompilationTier

      default int getCompilationTier()
      Returns an integer for the optimized tier of this method. If 0 is returned then this means that the frame is currently being interpreted without any optimization. The number of tiers is unlimited, but is typically restricted to a small set. e.g. 0-2. Where 0 could indicate interpreted, 1 indicates first tier and 2 indicates last tier compilation. It is best to not interpret this number and just print it for the user.
    • isCompilationRoot

      default boolean isCompilationRoot()
      Returns whether or not the current frame is a compilation root. A compilation root is a compiled CallTarget which was itself compiled i.e. not inlined into another target.
    • getCallNode

      Node getCallNode()
      Returns a node representing the callsite of the next new target on the stack. This picture indicates how FrameInstance groups the stack.
        Current:         ,>|  CallTarget   | FrameInstance
                         |  ===============
        Caller:          '-|  CallNode     | FrameInstance
                         ,>|  CallTarget   |
                         |  ===============
                         '-|  CallNode     | FrameInstance
                           |  CallTarget   |
                           |  CallNode     | FrameInstance
       Initial call:       |  CallTarget   |
      a node representing the callsite of the next new target on the stack. Null in case there is no upper target or if the target was not invoked using a direct or indirect call node.
      0.8 or earlier
    • getCallTarget

      CallTarget getCallTarget()
      The CallTarget being invoked in this frame.

      See getCallNode() for the relation between call node and CallTarget.

      0.8 or earlier