Table of Contents

Tooling Support for Python


GraalPy provides the standard Python debugger pdb. Refer to the official PDB documentation for usage. The built-in breakpoint() function uses pdb by default.

GraalPy also comes with built-in support for graphical debugging through Chrome’s developer tools. To enable the debugger, pass the --inspect command-line option. You can inspect variables, set watch expressions, interactively evaluate code snippets, and so on.

  1. Run a Python script using the command-line option --inspect:
     graalpy --inspect
  2. You should see output similar to:
     Debugger listening on ws://
     For help, see:
     E.g. in Chrome open: devtools://devtools/bundled/js_app.html?ws=
  3. Open your Chrome browser and enter the URL provided. Now you can inspect the stack, variables, evaluate variables, and selected expressions in a tooltip, and so on. For example: Chrome Inspector


GraalPy provides three main profiling capabilities: a CPU sampler, a CPU tracer, and a memory tracer. These are described below. (For details, use the graalpy --help:tools command.)

CPU Sampler

Use the --cpusampler command-line option to take a CPU sample. For example:

graalpy --cpusampler

You should see output similar to:

CPU Sampler Output (Click to expand)
Sampling Histogram. Recorded 564 samples with period 10ms. Missed 235 samples.
  Self Time: Time spent on the top of the stack.
  Total Time: Time spent somewhere on the stack.
 Name                                                                       ||             Total Time    ||              Self Time    || Location            
 parse_starttag                                                             ||             1090ms  19.3% ||              570ms  10.1% || <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/html/
 match                                                                      ||              190ms   3.4% ||              190ms   3.4% || <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/soupsieve/
 _replace_cdata_list_attribute_values                                       ||              190ms   3.4% ||              190ms   3.4% || <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/builder/
 goahead                                                                    ||             1430ms  25.4% ||              150ms   2.7% || <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/html/
 check_for_whole_start_tag                                                  ||              130ms   2.3% ||              130ms   2.3% || <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/html/
 <module>                                                                   ||              800ms  14.2% ||              130ms   2.3% || <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/soupsieve/

CPU Tracer

Use the --cputracer --cputracer.TraceStatements command-line options to trace CPU usage. For example:

graalpy --cputracer --cputracer.TraceStatements

You should see output similar to:

CPU Tracer Output (Click to Expand)
Tracing Histogram. Counted a total of 1135 element executions.
  Total Count: Number of times the element was executed and percentage of total executions.
  Interpreted Count: Number of times the element was interpreted and percentage of total executions of this element.
  Compiled Count: Number of times the compiled element was executed and percentage of total executions of this element.
 Name                                |          Total Count |    Interpreted Count |       Compiled Count | Location
 get_newfunc_typeid                  |           110   9.7% |           110 100.0% |             0   0.0% | capi.c~596:0
 PyTruffle_PopulateType              |           110   9.7% |           110 100.0% |             0   0.0% | capi.c~721:0
 PyTruffle_AllocMemory               |            86   7.6% |            86 100.0% |             0   0.0% | obmalloc.c~77:0
 PyTruffle_AllocateType              |            66   5.8% |            66 100.0% |             0   0.0% | capi.c~874:0
 PyMem_RawMalloc                     |            66   5.8% |            66 100.0% |             0   0.0% | obmalloc.c~170:0
 initialize_type_structure           |            50   4.4% |            50 100.0% |             0   0.0% | capi.c~181:0
 _Py_TYPE                            |            45   4.0% |            45 100.0% |             0   0.0% | object_shared.c~55:0
 PyType_GetFlags                     |            41   3.6% |            41 100.0% |             0   0.0% | typeobject_shared.c~44:0
 get_tp_name                         |            37   3.3% |            37 100.0% |             0   0.0% | capi.c~507:0

Memory Tracer

Use the --memtracer --memtracer.TraceStatements command-line options to trace memory usage. For example:

graalpy --experimental-options --memtracer --memtracer.TraceStatements

You should see output similar to:

Memory Tracer Output (Click to Expand)
 Location Histogram with Allocation Counts. Recorded a total of 565 allocations.
   Total Count: Number of allocations during the execution of this element.
   Self Count: Number of allocations in this element alone (excluding sub calls).
 Name                         |      Self Count |     Total Count | Location
 PyTruffle_PopulateType       |      440  77.9% |      440  77.9% | capi.c~721:0
 PyType_Ready                 |       61  10.8% |       68  12.0% | typeobject.c~463:0
 _PyObject_MakeTpCall         |       20   3.5% |       24   4.2% | object.c~155:0
 PyUnicode_FromString         |       11   1.9% |       11   1.9% | capi.c~2161:0
 PyErr_NewException           |       11   1.9% |       11   1.9% | capi.c~1537:0
 _PyUnicode_AsASCIIString     |        6   1.1% |        6   1.1% | capi.c~2281:0
 PyDict_New                   |        4   0.7% |        4   0.7% | capi.c~1505:0
 PyTuple_New                  |        4   0.7% |        4   0.7% | capi.c~2097:0
 PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize  |        3   0.5% |        3   0.5% | unicodeobject.c~171:0


GraalPy provides its own implementation of the tool to measure code coverage of Python programs. Enable it using the --coverage command-line option, as shown below. (For details, use the graalpy --help:tools command.)

graalpy --coverage

You should see output similar to:

CPU Sampler Output (Click to expand)
Code coverage histogram.
  Shows what percent of each element was covered during execution
 Path                                                                          |  Statements |    Lines |    Roots
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_distutils_hack/           |       0.00% |    0.00% |    0.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/                       |      56.10% |   56.14% |   55.26%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/builder/               |      79.12% |   78.84% |   50.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/builder/              |       2.41% |    2.46% |    2.38%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/builder/            |      69.08% |   68.67% |   83.33%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/builder/                  |       3.72% |    3.78% |    4.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/                            |      32.73% |   31.48% |   15.38%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/                         |      65.46% |   65.29% |   24.14%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/                        |      44.15% |   43.13% |   31.08%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bs4/                      |      73.49% |   74.36% |   66.67%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/certifi/                   |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/certifi/                       |      33.33% |   33.33% |   25.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/        |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/             |      11.87% |   11.94% |   16.67%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/assets/ |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/              |      12.81% |   13.54% |    4.35%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/        |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/          |      25.00% |   25.00% |   50.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/              |      22.05% |   20.37% |   17.24%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/          |      38.46% |   38.50% |    9.30%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/           |      26.79% |   26.89% |    3.33%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/charset_normalizer/         |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/idna/                      |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/collections/                               |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                    |      40.80% |   37.99% |   31.71%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                          |      36.36% |   36.41% |   21.43%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                       |       3.20% |    3.20% |    7.69%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                           |      25.17% |   23.91% |   25.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                      |      30.32% |   30.01% |   14.74%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/                                |      42.86% |   42.86% |   20.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/                          |      35.11% |   34.44% |   14.29%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/                              |      12.64% |   12.15% |   10.71%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/                             |      55.22% |   54.69% |   39.29%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/                              |      35.00% |   35.00% |   20.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                        |      49.86% |   48.93% |   34.60%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/urllib/                               |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                      |      21.29% |   20.77% |   25.00%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                       |      37.93% |   36.78% |   23.68%
 <install-dir>/lib/python3.10/                                       |      17.86% |   17.23% |   11.03%
 <src-dir>/                                                        |     100.00% |  100.00% |  100.00%


The standard Python trace module is also provided.

Note: This works in the same way as CPython. The programmatic API also works, with some limitations: it does not currently track calls, only line counts and called functions.

For example, the command

graalpy -m trace -c -s Welcome to GraalPy!

Give example output

CPU Sampler Output (Click to expand)
_       __     __                             __     
| |     / /__  / /________  ____ ___  ___     / /_____
| | /| / / _ \/ / ___/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \   / __/ __ \
| |/ |/ /  __/ / /__/ /_/ / / / / / /  __/  / /_/ /_/ /
|__/|__/\___/_/\___/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/   \__/\____/
   ______                 ______        __
  / ____/________ _____ _/ / __ \__  __/ /
 / / __/ ___/ __ `/ __ `/ / /_/ / / / / /
/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / / ____/ /_/ /_/ 
\____/_/   \__,_/\__,_/_/_/    \__, (_)  
lines   cov%   module   (path)
    9   100%   __about__   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
   51   100%   __future__   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
    1   100%   __init__   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyfiglet/fonts/
   27   100%   _adapters   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/importlib/
   25   100%   _common   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/importlib/
   44   100%   _manylinux   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
   20   100%   _musllinux   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
   66   100%   _osx_support   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   43   100%   _parseaddr   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
   62   100%   _policybase   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
   20   100%   _structures   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
  105   100%   abc   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/importlib/
   18   100%   actions   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
   41   100%   appdirs   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/
   59   100%   base64   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   14   100%   base64mime   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
   11   100%   bisect   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  124   100%   calendar   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   94   100%   charset   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
  122   100%   common   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
   40   100%   context   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/
    3   100%   contextlib   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   91   100%   copy   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
 1497   100%   core   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
  108   100%   dataclasses   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   31   100%   datetime   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
    9   100%   encoders   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
 2493   100%   entities   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/html/
   58   100%   errors   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
   49   100%   exceptions   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
    5   100%   expat   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/xml/parsers/
   41   100%   feedparser   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
   45   100%   functools   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/
   69   100%   gettext   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   56   100%   header   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
  162   100%   helpers   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
    1   100%   inspect   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   47   100%   linecache   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   95   100%   markers   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
  192   100%   more   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/
  204   100%   optparse   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   14   100%   os   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  167   100%   parse   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/urllib/
   19   100%   parser   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
  242   100%   pathlib   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   66   100%   pkgutil   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  137   100%   platform   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  102   100%   plistlib   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   79   100%   pprint   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   54   100%   queue   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   21   100%   quopri   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   32   100%   quoprimime   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/email/
  101   100%   random   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   43   100%   recipes   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/
   51   100%   requirements   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
   46   100%   resources   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/importlib/
  155   100%   results   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
   79   100%   selectors   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   30   100%   signal   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   94   100%   socket   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  143   100%   specifiers   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
   50   100%   string   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  118   100%   subprocess   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   96   100%   sysconfig   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   67   100%   tags   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
  119   100%   tempfile   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   35   100%   testing   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
    7   100%   text_styler   (<src-dir>/
   51   100%   textwrap   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
    2   100%   threading   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   32   100%   tokenize   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
   43   100%   traceback   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  703   100%   typing   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  238   100%   unicode   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
   76   100%   util   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/
   20   100%   utils   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/
    1   100%   version   (<venv-dir>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyfiglet/
   16   100%   warnings   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  127   100%   weakref   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/
  432   100%   zipfile   (<install-dir>/lib/python3.10/

Using PyCharm with GraalPy

You can use GraalPy in PyCharm to create a virtual environment, install packages, and develop and run your Python application.

  1. Install graalpy. (For more information, see Installing GraalPy.)

  2. Install PyCharm. (For more information, see Install PyCharm.)

  3. Create, or open, a Python project. (For more information, see Create a Python project, or Open, reopen, and close projects, respectively.)

  4. Create a new venv virtual environment for your Python project. (For more information, see Create a virtualenv environment.)

  5. Install packages by following the PyCharm instructions. (For more information, see Install, uninstall, and upgrade packages.)

  6. Use the PyCharm menu items to run your Python application. Alternatively, use the terminal emulator to run the graalpy command.

Using Visual Studio Code with GraalPy

You can use GraalPy in Visual Studio (VS) Code to create a virtual environment, install packages, and develop and run your Python application.

  1. Install graalpy. (For more information, see Installing GraalPy.)

  2. Install VS Code and the Python Extension, following the instructions here: Install Visual Studio Code and the Python Extension.

  3. Create, or open, a Python file.

  4. Create a new venv virtual environment for your Python project. (For more information, see Creating environments.)

  5. Install packages by following the VS Code instructions. (For more information, see Install and use packages.)

  6. Use the VS Code menu items to run your Python application. (For more information, see Run Hello World.) Alternatively, use a VS Code terminal emulator to run the graalpy command.

  7. You cannot use VS Code to debug your Python application. Instead, open a VS Code terminal emulator and follow these instructions: Debugging a Python Application.