Class TruffleString


public final class TruffleString extends AbstractTruffleString
Represents a primitive String type, which can be reused across languages. Language implementers are encouraged to use Truffle Strings as their language's string type for easier interoperability and better performance. Truffle strings can be encoded in a number of encodings. A TruffleString object can cache multiple representations (in multiple encodings) of the same string in the string object itself. A single TruffleString instance can also represent the same string in multiple encodings, if the string's content would be equal in all such encodings (e.g. a string containing only ASCII characters can be viewed as being encoded in almost any encoding, since the encoded bytes would be equal). To facilitate this, all methods have an expectedEncoding parameter to indicate which encoding a given string should be viewed in.

TruffleString instances can be created via one of the following nodes, or via TruffleStringBuilder.

For iteration use TruffleStringIterator. There is a version of TruffleString that is also mutable. See MutableTruffleString for details.

Please see the tutorial for further usage instructions.
