Class Insight


public final class Insight extends Object
Programmatic access to the Insight instrument. Obtain an instrument instance via its ID:

final Engine engine = context.getEngine();
Instrument instrument = engine.getInstruments().get("insight");
Function<Source, AutoCloseable> access = instrument.lookup(Function.class);
AutoCloseable handle = access.apply(agentSrc);
and then evaluate Source scripts written in any language accessing the agent variable exposed to them.

See an example at Embedding Insight into Java. Use following API when dealing with the insight variable:

/** Instance of this class is accessible via {@code insight} variable
 * in the Insight scripts registered to the instrument.
public interface InsightAPI {
    /** ID of the instrument. Version {@code 1.1} has been released as
     * part of GraalVM 21.1.0 release.
     * @return same value of {@link Insight#ID} - e.g. {@code "insight"}
     * @since 0.3
    String id();

    /** Version of the API. Version {@code 1.1} has been released as
     * part of GraalVM 21.1.0 release.
     * @return same value of {@link Insight#VERSION}
     * @since 0.1
    String version();

    /** Marker interface for any handler.
     * @since 0.1
    interface Handler {

    interface SourceInfo {
        /** Name of the {@link OnSourceLoadedHandler#sourceLoaded}.
         * @return name of the loaded source
         * @since 0.1
        String name();
        /** Character content of the {@link OnSourceLoadedHandler#sourceLoaded}.
         * @return content of the loaded source
         * @since 0.1
        String characters();
        /** Identification of this source's language.
         * @return String representing the language ID
         * @since 0.1
        String language();
        /** Mime type of this source.
         * @return given mime type or {@code null}
         * @since 0.1
        String mimeType();
        /** URI uniquely identifying the source.
         * @return the URI
         * @since 0.1
        String uri();

    interface SourceSectionInfo {
         * Name of the enclosing function.
         * @return the name of the enclosing function
         * @since 0.1
        String name();

         * Information about surrounding source.
         * @return information about the surrounding source
         * @since 0.4
        SourceInfo source();

         * Characters of the location.
         * @return the characters of this {@link OnEventHandler.Context}
         * @since 0.4
        String characters();

         * Line of this location. The same as {@link #startLine()}.
         * @return line number counting from one
         * @since 0.4
        int line();

         * Staring line of this location.
         * @return line number counting from one
         * @since 0.4
        int startLine();

         * Final line of this location.
         * @return line number counting from one
         * @since 0.4
        int endLine();

         * Column of this location. The same as {@link #startColumn()}.
         * @return column number counting from one
         * @since 0.4
        int column();

         * Starting column of this location.
         * @return column number counting from one
         * @since 0.4
        int startColumn();

         * Final column of this location.
         * @return column number counting from one
         * @since 0.4
        int endColumn();

         * Returns the 0-based index of the first character in this section.
         * Returns <code>0</code> for unavailable source
         * sections.
         * @return the starting character index
         * @since 1.1
        int charIndex();

         * Returns the length of this section in characters. Returns
         * <code>0</code> for unavailable source
         * sections.
         * @return the number of characters in the section
         * @since 1.1
        int charEndIndex();

         * Returns the index of the text position immediately following the last
         * character in the section.
         * Returns <code>0</code> for unavailable source sections.
         * @return the end position of the section
         * @since 1.1
        int charLength();

    interface OnSourceLoadedHandler extends Handler {
        /** Called when a new source is loaded into the system.
         * @param info information about the loaded source
         * @since 0.1
        void sourceLoaded(SourceInfo info);
    /** Register a handler to be notified when a source is loaded.
     * @param event has to be {@code "source"} string
     * @param handler a callback that takes
     *      {@link SourceInfo one argument}
    void on(String event, OnSourceLoadedHandler handler);

    interface OnEventHandler extends Handler {
        interface Context extends SourceSectionInfo {
            /** The current return value to be returned unless
             * {@link #returnNow} is called. The only meaningful
             * values can be expected inside of {@link #on on("return", ...)}
             * handlers.
             * @param frame object with variables provided
             *    as a second parameter to {@link OnEventHandler#event event}
             *    method
             * @return the current return value or {@code null},
             *    if not applicable
             * @since 0.7
            Object returnValue(Map<String, Object> frame);

            /** Immediatelly exits the current handler and returns to the
             * caller. Calling this method aborts execution of the current
             * handler. It bypasses language sematics and immediatelly
             * returns the provided value to the caller. If there are multiple
             * calls to {@code returnNow} (from different handlers) the
             * first call defines the return value.
             * @param value the value to return to the caller
             * @since 0.7
             * @see #returnValue(java.util.Map)
            void returnNow(Object value);

            /** Walks the stack at current execution point and iterates through
             * invocation frames and their local values.
             * @param <T> type to return from the iterator
             * @param it iterator to call for each frame
             *    (that is not {@link Source#isInternal() internal})
             * @return first non-{@code null} value returned
             *    from the {@code it} iterator or {@code null}
             * @since 1.0
            <T> T iterateFrames(FramesIterator<T> it);
        void event(Context ctx, Map<String, Object> frame);

    /** Iterator for the {@link OnEventHandler.Context#iterateFrames}.
     * @since 1.0
    interface FramesIterator<T> {
        /** Called for each frame found on the stack.
         * @param at location in the source code
         * @param frame access to local variables
         * @return {@code null} to continue iteration, non-{@code null} to
         *   return immediatelly from the
         *   {@link OnEventHandler.Context#iterateFrames} method.
        T onFrame(SourceSectionInfo at, Map<String, Object> frame);

    class OnConfig {
        public boolean expressions;
        public boolean statements;
        public boolean roots;

        /** String with a regular expression to match name of functions.
         * Prior to version 0.6 this had to be a
         * {@code Function<String,Boolean>}.
        public String rootNameFilter;
        /* @since 0.4 */
        public Predicate<SourceInfo> sourceFilter;
         * Location in the source file.
         * @since 1.2
        public OnConfigAt at;

    class OnConfigAt {
         * String with a regular expression to match source path.
         * Exactly one of this or {@link #sourceURI} is a mandatory property of
         * the `at` object.
         * @since 1.2
        public String sourcePath;
         * String representation of a source URI.
         * Exactly one of this or {@link #sourcePath} is a mandatory property of
         * the `at` object.
         * @since 1.2
        public String sourceURI;
         * The line to match.
         * @since 1.2
        public Object line;
         * The column to match.
         * @since 1.2
        public Object column;

    /** Register a handler on a particular elements in the source code.
     * @param event one of {@code "enter"}, {@code "return"} strings
     * @param handler callback
     *      {@link OnEventHandler#event function with two arguments}
     * @param config config object to identify locations to listen to
    void on(String event, OnEventHandler handler, OnConfig config);

    interface OnCloseHandler extends Handler {
        void closed();
    /** Register on close handler.
     * @param event must be {@code "close"} string
     * @param handler no args function to be notified when execution ends
    void on(String event, OnCloseHandler handler);

    /** Unregisters a handler.
     * @param event the event type to unregister from
     * @param handler the instance of handler registered
     *   by one of the {@code on} methods
     * @since 0.2
    void off(String event, Handler handler);
  • Field Details

    • ID

      public static final String ID
      The ID of the agent script instrument is "insight". Use it to obtain access to an Insight instruments inside of your Engine:

      final Engine engine = context.getEngine();
      Instrument instrument = engine.getInstruments().get("insight");
      Function<Source, AutoCloseable> access = instrument.lookup(Function.class);
      AutoCloseable handle = access.apply(agentSrc);
      See Also:

      public static final String VERSION
      Version of the Insight instrument. The current version understands following Java-like polyglot API made available to the GraalVM Insight scripts via insight reference:

      /** Instance of this class is accessible via {@code insight} variable
       * in the Insight scripts registered to the instrument.
      public interface InsightAPI {
          /** ID of the instrument. Version {@code 1.1} has been released as
           * part of GraalVM 21.1.0 release.
           * @return same value of {@link Insight#ID} - e.g. {@code "insight"}
           * @since 0.3
          String id();
          /** Version of the API. Version {@code 1.1} has been released as
           * part of GraalVM 21.1.0 release.
           * @return same value of {@link Insight#VERSION}
           * @since 0.1
          String version();
          /** Marker interface for any handler.
           * @since 0.1
          interface Handler {
          interface SourceInfo {
              /** Name of the {@link OnSourceLoadedHandler#sourceLoaded}.
               * @return name of the loaded source
               * @since 0.1
              String name();
              /** Character content of the {@link OnSourceLoadedHandler#sourceLoaded}.
               * @return content of the loaded source
               * @since 0.1
              String characters();
              /** Identification of this source's language.
               * @return String representing the language ID
               * @since 0.1
              String language();
              /** Mime type of this source.
               * @return given mime type or {@code null}
               * @since 0.1
              String mimeType();
              /** URI uniquely identifying the source.
               * @return the URI
               * @since 0.1
              String uri();
          interface SourceSectionInfo {
               * Name of the enclosing function.
               * @return the name of the enclosing function
               * @since 0.1
              String name();
               * Information about surrounding source.
               * @return information about the surrounding source
               * @since 0.4
              SourceInfo source();
               * Characters of the location.
               * @return the characters of this {@link OnEventHandler.Context}
               * @since 0.4
              String characters();
               * Line of this location. The same as {@link #startLine()}.
               * @return line number counting from one
               * @since 0.4
              int line();
               * Staring line of this location.
               * @return line number counting from one
               * @since 0.4
              int startLine();
               * Final line of this location.
               * @return line number counting from one
               * @since 0.4
              int endLine();
               * Column of this location. The same as {@link #startColumn()}.
               * @return column number counting from one
               * @since 0.4
              int column();
               * Starting column of this location.
               * @return column number counting from one
               * @since 0.4
              int startColumn();
               * Final column of this location.
               * @return column number counting from one
               * @since 0.4
              int endColumn();
               * Returns the 0-based index of the first character in this section.
               * Returns <code>0</code> for unavailable source
               * sections.
               * @return the starting character index
               * @since 1.1
              int charIndex();
               * Returns the length of this section in characters. Returns
               * <code>0</code> for unavailable source
               * sections.
               * @return the number of characters in the section
               * @since 1.1
              int charEndIndex();
               * Returns the index of the text position immediately following the last
               * character in the section.
               * Returns <code>0</code> for unavailable source sections.
               * @return the end position of the section
               * @since 1.1
              int charLength();
          interface OnSourceLoadedHandler extends Handler {
              /** Called when a new source is loaded into the system.
               * @param info information about the loaded source
               * @since 0.1
              void sourceLoaded(SourceInfo info);
          /** Register a handler to be notified when a source is loaded.
           * @param event has to be {@code "source"} string
           * @param handler a callback that takes
           *      {@link SourceInfo one argument}
          void on(String event, OnSourceLoadedHandler handler);
          interface OnEventHandler extends Handler {
              interface Context extends SourceSectionInfo {
                  /** The current return value to be returned unless
                   * {@link #returnNow} is called. The only meaningful
                   * values can be expected inside of {@link #on on("return", ...)}
                   * handlers.
                   * @param frame object with variables provided
                   *    as a second parameter to {@link OnEventHandler#event event}
                   *    method
                   * @return the current return value or {@code null},
                   *    if not applicable
                   * @since 0.7
                  Object returnValue(Map<String, Object> frame);
                  /** Immediatelly exits the current handler and returns to the
                   * caller. Calling this method aborts execution of the current
                   * handler. It bypasses language sematics and immediatelly
                   * returns the provided value to the caller. If there are multiple
                   * calls to {@code returnNow} (from different handlers) the
                   * first call defines the return value.
                   * @param value the value to return to the caller
                   * @since 0.7
                   * @see #returnValue(java.util.Map)
                  void returnNow(Object value);
                  /** Walks the stack at current execution point and iterates through
                   * invocation frames and their local values.
                   * @param <T> type to return from the iterator
                   * @param it iterator to call for each frame
                   *    (that is not {@link Source#isInternal() internal})
                   * @return first non-{@code null} value returned
                   *    from the {@code it} iterator or {@code null}
                   * @since 1.0
                  <T> T iterateFrames(FramesIterator<T> it);
              void event(Context ctx, Map<String, Object> frame);
          /** Iterator for the {@link OnEventHandler.Context#iterateFrames}.
           * @since 1.0
          interface FramesIterator<T> {
              /** Called for each frame found on the stack.
               * @param at location in the source code
               * @param frame access to local variables
               * @return {@code null} to continue iteration, non-{@code null} to
               *   return immediatelly from the
               *   {@link OnEventHandler.Context#iterateFrames} method.
              T onFrame(SourceSectionInfo at, Map<String, Object> frame);
          class OnConfig {
              public boolean expressions;
              public boolean statements;
              public boolean roots;
              /** String with a regular expression to match name of functions.
               * Prior to version 0.6 this had to be a
               * {@code Function<String,Boolean>}.
              public String rootNameFilter;
              /* @since 0.4 */
              public Predicate<SourceInfo> sourceFilter;
               * Location in the source file.
               * @since 1.2
              public OnConfigAt at;
          class OnConfigAt {
               * String with a regular expression to match source path.
               * Exactly one of this or {@link #sourceURI} is a mandatory property of
               * the `at` object.
               * @since 1.2
              public String sourcePath;
               * String representation of a source URI.
               * Exactly one of this or {@link #sourcePath} is a mandatory property of
               * the `at` object.
               * @since 1.2
              public String sourceURI;
               * The line to match.
               * @since 1.2
              public Object line;
               * The column to match.
               * @since 1.2
              public Object column;
          /** Register a handler on a particular elements in the source code.
           * @param event one of {@code "enter"}, {@code "return"} strings
           * @param handler callback
           *      {@link OnEventHandler#event function with two arguments}
           * @param config config object to identify locations to listen to
          void on(String event, OnEventHandler handler, OnConfig config);
          interface OnCloseHandler extends Handler {
              void closed();
          /** Register on close handler.
           * @param event must be {@code "close"} string
           * @param handler no args function to be notified when execution ends
          void on(String event, OnCloseHandler handler);
          /** Unregisters a handler.
           * @param event the event type to unregister from
           * @param handler the instance of handler registered
           *   by one of the {@code on} methods
           * @since 0.2
          void off(String event, Handler handler);
      See Also: