- GraalVM for JDK 23 (Latest)
- GraalVM for JDK 24 (Early Access)
- GraalVM for JDK 21
- GraalVM for JDK 17
- Archives
- Dev Build
- Truffle Language Implementation Framework
- Truffle Branches Instrumentation
- Dynamic Object Model
- Static Object Model
- Host Optimization for Interpreter Code
- Truffle Approach to Function Inlining
- Profiling Truffle Interpreters
- Truffle Interop 2.0
- Language Implementations
- Implementing a New Language with Truffle
- Truffle Language Safepoint Tutorial
- Truffle Native Function Interface
- Optimizing Truffle Interpreters
- Options
- On-Stack Replacement
- Truffle Strings Guide
- Specialization Histogram
- Testing DSL Specializations
- Polyglot API Based TCK
- Truffle Approach to the Compilation Queue
- Truffle Library Guide
- Truffle AOT Overview
- Truffle AOT Compilation
- Auxiliary Engine Caching
- Truffle Language Safepoint Tutorial
- Monomorphization
- Splitting Algorithm
- Monomorphization Use Cases
- Reporting Polymorphic Specializations to Runtime
Implementing a New Language with Truffle
The Truffle framework enables you to implement a programming language and run it efficiently on GraalVM. We provide extensive Truffle API documentation.
A good way to start implementing your language is to:
- Look at the TruffleLanguage class, and subclass it for your own language implementation.
- Fork the SimpleLanguage project and start hacking. SimpleLanguage is a relatively small language implementation, well-documented, and designed to demonstrate most of Truffle features.
- Examine the GraalVM Polyglot API that enables you to embed your Truffle language in Java.
We also recommend to watch this online seminar on Dynamic Metacompilation with Truffle by Christian Humer from Oracle, to better understand Truffle concepts such as dynamic metacompilation, partial evaluation, polymorphic inlining, and so on.