Annotation Interface GenerateAOT

@Retention(CLASS) @Target(TYPE) public @interface GenerateAOT
Allows nodes with specializations to be prepared for AOT. The annotation is automatically inherited by all subclasses. Specializations of annotated nodes will be validated for their suitability for AOT preparation. By default all specializations that are not replaced by an AOT capable specializations are included for AOT validation and preparation. If a specialization is not suitable a compilation error will be shown.

The following properties make a specialization incapable of being used for AOT preparation:

  • Dynamic parameters bound in cached initializers. At AOT preparation time no dynamic parameters are available, therefore the the caches not be initialized. Values read from the node instance are supported.
  • If a Truffle library is used that is automatically dispatched or where the expression initializer is bound to a dynamic parameter value.
  • If a cached node is created that does not itself support GenerateAOT.
Additionally, to resolve compilation errors related to AOT the following resolutions may be applied:
  • Exclude this specialization from AOT with GenerateAOT.Exclude, if it is acceptable to deoptimize for this specialization in AOT compiled code.
  • Configure the specialization to be Specialization.replaces() with a more generic specialization.

After a node generates code for AOT preparation AOTSupport.prepareForAOT(RootNode) may be used to prepare a root node in RootNode.prepareForAOT().

This annotation can also be used for classes annotated with Truffle library declarations and exports. The same rules, as described here, for specializations declared in exported libraries apply. Multiple AOT exports may be specified for each library, but there must be at least one, otherwise an IllegalStateException is thrown at runtime when AOT is prepared.

See also the usage tutorial on the website.

See Also: