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attr(String, Object) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Attaches metadata to the dump.
ATTR_VM_ID - Static variable in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Name of stream attribute to identify the VM execution, allows to join different GraphOutput streams.


beginGroup(G, String, String, M, int, Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object>) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Begins a compilation group.
blockId(B) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphBlocks
Unique id of a block.
blockNodes(G, B) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphBlocks
blocks(G) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphBlocks
All blocks in the graph.
blocks(GraphBlocks<G, ?, N>) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Associates implementation of blocks.
blockSuccessors(B) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphBlocks
build(WritableByteChannel) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Creates new GraphOutput to output to provided channel.
build(GraphOutput<?, ?>) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Support for nesting heterogenous graphs.


classForNode(N) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Finds a node class for node.
close() - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Closes the output.


edgeDirect(P, int) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Checks whether an edge is direct.
edgeName(P, int) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
The name of an edge.
edgeNodes(G, N, P, int) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Nodes where the edges for a port lead to/from.
edgeType(P, int) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Type of an edge.
elements(GraphElements<E, ?, ?, P>) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Associates implementation of graph elements.
elementsAndLocations(GraphElements<E, ?, ?, P>, GraphLocations<E, P, ?>) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Associates implementation of graph elements and an advanced way to interpret their locations.
embedded(boolean) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Sets GraphOutput as embedded.
endGroup() - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Ends compilation group.
enumClass(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphTypes
Recognizes an enum object.
enumOrdinal(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphTypes
Ordinal of an enum.
enumTypeValues(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphTypes
All possible values of an enum.


field(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Recognizes a field.
fieldDeclaringClass(F) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Field's declaring class.
fieldModifiers(F) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Field modifiers.
fieldName(F) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Name of a field.
fieldTypeName(F) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Type name of the field.


graph(G, Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Casts obj to graph, if possible.
GraphBlocks<G,B,N> - Interface in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Special support for dealing with blocks.
GraphElements<M,F,S,P> - Interface in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Representation of methods, fields, their signatures and code locations.
GraphLocations<M,P,L> - Interface in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Provides source location information about compiled code.
GraphOutput<G,M> - Class in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Instance of output to dump informations about a compiler compilations.
GraphOutput.Builder<G,N,M> - Class in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Builder to configure and create an instance of GraphOutput.
GraphStructure<G,N,C,P> - Interface in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Interface that defines structure of a compiler graph.
GraphTypes - Interface in jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Special support for dealing with enums.


isOpen() - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Checks if the GraphOutput is open.


jdk.graal.compiler.graphio - package jdk.graal.compiler.graphio
Send your graphs to IGV via a socket or a file.


locationLanguage(L) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphLocations
Identification of the language.
locationLineNumber(L) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphLocations
Line number of a location.
locationOffsetEnd(L) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphLocations
Offset of the location.
locationOffsetStart(L) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphLocations
Offset of the location.
locationURI(L) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphLocations
The universal resource identification that contains the location.If the location can be found in an assummably accessible resource, then use such resource identification.


method(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Recognize method.
methodCode(M) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Bytecode for a method.
methodDeclaringClass(M) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Method's declaring class.
methodLocation(M, int, P) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphLocations
Stack trace element for a method, index and position.
methodModifiers(M) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Method modifiers.
methodName(M) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Method name.
methodSignature(M) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Method's signature.
methodStackTraceElement(M, int, P) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Stack trace element for a method, index and position.


nameTemplate(C) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
The template used to build the name of nodes of this class.
newBuilder(GraphStructure<G, N, C, P>) - Static method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Creates new builder to configure a future instance of GraphOutput.
node(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Finds a node for obj, if possible.
nodeClass(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Finds a node class for obj, if possible.
nodeClassType(C) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Java class for a node class.
nodeHasPredecessor(N) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Checks if there is a predecessor for a node.
nodeId(N) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Id of node.
nodeProperties(G, N, Map<String, ? super Object>) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Collects node properties.
nodes(G) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Nodes of a graph.
nodesCount(G) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Number of nodes in a graph.
nodeSourcePosition(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Recognize a source position.
nodeSourcePositionBCI(P) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Byte code index of a position.
nodeSourcePositionCaller(P) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Caller of a position.
nodeSourcePositionMethod(P) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Method for a position.


portInputs(C) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Input ports of a node class.
portOutputs(C) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
Output ports of a node class.
portSize(P) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphStructure
The number of edges in a port.
print(G, Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object>, int, String, Object...) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Prints a single graph.
protocolVersion(int, int) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Chooses which version of the protocol to use.


signature(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Recognizes signature.
signatureParameterCount(S) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Number of parameters of a signature.
signatureParameterTypeName(S, int) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Type name of a signature parameter.
signatureReturnTypeName(S) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphElements
Type name of a return type.


typeName(Object) - Method in interface jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphTypes
Finds Java type name for a given class.
types(GraphTypes) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput.Builder
Associates different implementation of types.


write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class jdk.graal.compiler.graphio.GraphOutput
Writes raw bytes into GraphOutput.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values